File Utilties Package Help
num fileappend(str PATH, str NAME, list TEXT)
Appends TEXT to files/PATH/NAME.
Creates the file if it didn't exist previously.
fileappend("notes","foox.test",{"hehe","hoho"}) => 1 if successful.
str filechmod(str PATH, str NAME, str MODE)
Sets the mode of the relevant file/directory.
=> "644" (This just returns the existing value.)
=> "640" (It returns the new value.)
num filedelete(str PATH, str NAME)
Irretrievably deletes files/PATH/NAME.
filedelete("notes","foo.text") => 1 if successful.
str fileerror()
Returns a string describing the UNIX error message, which reports the last
error encountered during a call to a system or library function.
fileerror() => "Error 0" (No error)
fileerror() => "Interrupted system call"
fileerror() => "No such file or directory"
num fileexists(str PATH, str NAME)
Returns 1 iff files/PATH/NAME exists, 0 otherwise.
fileexists("notes","foo.text") => 1
fileexists("misc","foox.test") => 0
list fileextract(str PATH, str NAME, str REGEXP1, str REGEXP2 [, str REGEXP3])
Returns a list of starts and ends of sections of files/PATH/NAME, that fulfill
the following requirements:
-the first line of the section matches REGEXP1,
-the last line of the section matches REGEXP2, and
-at least one line of the section matches REGEXP3, if provided.
If a line matches REGEXP1 and REGEXP2 (and REGEXP3 if provided), it can
constitute a section by itself.
fileextract("notes","foo.text","a","x") => {{}, {}}
(there isn't a line with an "x")
fileextract("notes","foo.text","Copy","email") => {{1}, {4}}
(the section from line 1 to line 4 fits)
fileextract("notes","foo.text","a","b") => {{1, 3}, {2, 6}}
(the sections from line 1 to line 2 and from line 3 to line 6 fit)
fileextract("notes","foo.text","a","b","est") => {{3}, {6}}
(of these, only the section from 3 to 6 has a line that matches "est")
list filegrep(str PATH, str NAME, str REGEXP [, str SWITCHES])
Returns a list of strings and line numbers, which represent lines read from
files/PATH/NAME, and that match REGEXP.
SWITCHES defaults to "s".
-If SWITCHES includes "s", the matching lines will be returned.
-If SWITCHES includes "n", the numbers of the matching lines will be returned.
-If SWITCHES includes "v", the condition is reversed, and lines not matching
will be returned.
=> {{" Copyright (c) 1994 Weizmann Institute. All rights reserved.",
" Jaime Prilusky and Gustavo Glusman, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Israel.", " (Jaime
Prilusky)", " (Gustavo
Glusman)"}, {}}
=> {{}, {1, 3, 5, 6}}
=> {{" Copyright (c) 1994 Weizmann Institute. All rights reserved.",
" Jaime Prilusky and Gustavo Glusman, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Israel.", " (Jaime
Prilusky)", " (Gustavo
Glusman)"}, {1, 3, 5, 6}}
=> {{}, {2, 4, 7, 8}}
list fileinfo(str PATH, str NAME)
Returns a list with assorted system information about the relevant file/directory.
=> {512, "dir", "755", "lsprilus", "staff", 788541296, 788346820, 788346820}
=> {376, "reg", "644", "lsprilus", "staff", 788541674, 788541674, 788541674}
The information provided is: size, type, mode, owner, group, file last access time,
file last modify time, and file last change time. Check 'man stat' for more info.
num filelength(str PATH, str NAME)
Returns the number of lines of files/PATH/NAME.
filelength("notes","foo.text") => 6
list filelist(str PATH [, str NAME])
Returns the list of files and subdirectories in files/PATH, not recursively.
If NAME is provided, only files matching NAME as regexp will be returned.
All existing subdirectories will be returned in any case.
filelist("") => {{},{"notes","misc"}}
filelist("notes") => {{"foo.text","foox.test"},{"bar"}}
filelist("notes/bar") => {{},{}}
filelist("notes","oo.%.") => {{"foox.test"},{"bar"}}
filelist("misc") => {{},{}}
num filemkdir(str PATH, str NAME)
Creates a new directory: files/PATH/NAME.
filemkdir("notes","mydir") => 1 if successful.
list fileread(str PATH, str NAME [, num START [, num END]])
Returns a list of strings which represent lines read from files/PATH/NAME,
from START to END, which default to the beginning and the end of the file
fileread("notes","foox.test") => {"line 1","line 2","end"}
fileread("notes","foox.test",2) => {"line 2","end"}
fileread("notes","foox.test",2,2) => {"line 2"}
fileread("notes","foox.test",3,2) => {}
fileread("notes","foox.test",5,6) => {}
num filerename(str PATH, str OLDNAME, str NEWNAME)
Renames files/PATH/OLDNAME to NEWNAME.
filerename("notes","foo.text","blah.blah") => 1 if successful.
num filermdir(str PATH, str NAME)
Removes the directory: files/PATH/NAME, if it's empty.
filermdir("notes","mydir") => 1 if successful.
filermdir("notes","mydir") => E_PERM if unsuccessful.
Hint: use fileerror() to find the reason for failure.
num filerun(str EXECUTABLE [, list {str PATH1, str INFILE}
[, list {str PATH2, str OUTFILE}
[, str/list PARAMETER]*]])
Checks a whole set of security issues, including the requirement that
'EXECUTABLE' be found in the 'bin' directory. If all is ok, it issues a
system call equivalent to the Unix command:
*** WARNING: filerun() ISN'T fully secure at this stage, and it is provided
*** as an option only for managers of trusted systems.
num filesize(str PATH, str NAME)
Returns the number of characters of files/PATH/NAME.
filesize("notes","foo.text") => 388
str fileversion()
Returns a string representing the version of the currently installed FUP.
The format is x.y, where x is the major release number and y is the minor
release number.
fileversion() => "1.2"
num filewrite(str PATH, str NAME, list TEXT [, num START [, num END]])
Writes TEXT on files/PATH/NAME.
Creates the file if it didn't exist previously.
Assuming LENGTH is the number of lines in TEXT:
-If neither START nor END are provided, the file is overwritten with TEXT.
-If START is provided, but END isn't, LENGTH lines of the file starting from
START are overwritten with TEXT. This may extend the file length.
-If both START and END are provided, the lines from START to END are replaced
with TEXT. This may extend the file length or reduce it.
If the operation succeeds, it returns 1.
(the operations are not sequential.
The file starts as: {"line 1","line 2","end"})
Operation File contents after
filewrite("notes","foox.test",{"test"}) {"test"}
filewrite("notes","foox.test",{"te","st"},2) {"line 1","te","st"}
filewrite("notes","foox.test",{"te","st"},2,2) {"line 1","te","st","end"}
filewrite("notes","foox.test",{"test"},2,3) {"line 1","test"}
filewrite("notes","foox.test",{},2,2) {"line 1","end"}
Version 1.1: (Aug 1994)
- First released version.
Version 1.2: (Sep 4th, 1994)
- Added fileversion()
- Changed filedelete(), filewrite() and fileappend() to return 1 if successful
- Added the EXTERN_FILES_DIR_READ_ONLY compiling variable
- Fixed a bug in filegrep() that caused a match in the last line to return
a 'zombie' additional line.
Version 1.3: (Sep 8th, 1994)
- Added filerename()
- Fixed some serious memory leaks
(Sep 13th, 1994) - Fixed a bug whereby fileexists always returned 1
Version 1.4 (Jan 5th, 1995)
- Added the following built-in functions:
- Added the following compiling variable:
- Improved efficiency and file access security management
- Removed the hard-coded requirement for wizard permissions
Version 1.5 (Jan 9th, 1995)
- Modified an internal data handling method that was incompatible with Pavel's
code, and was potentially database-corrupting
- Added the following compiling variable:
- Added the following built-in function:
Version 1.6 (Feb 21th, 1995)
- Fixed some serious bugs in string length handling
- Added some missing code to filerun() and filechmod()
- Added the following compiling variable:
File Utilities Package 1.6 - February '95
The "File Utilities Package" is a set of routines for direct file
management and access from inside the MOO, developed and written by
Jaime Prilusky and Gustavo Glusman, Weizmann Institute of Science,
This software is intended to work with the MOO server written by Pavel
Curtis, Xerox PARC (Pavel@Xerox.Com), depending on routines and code
from the MOO server itself. It has been tested with MOO version 1.7.8p4.
All the built-in functions provided in the File Utilities Package used to
require wizardly permissions, but since version 1.4 this is left to the
database. Take a look to the file_handler file for an example of the
implementation of permissions at the database level.
A simple $file_handler wrapper is provided. A more complex version,
including a disk-quota system, is available too.
Additionally, file read/write operations are allowed only over the directory
subtree rooted at the 'base directory', called 'files' by default, and
execute operations are allowed only from the directory called 'bin' by default.
To achieve this, all paths are stripped of spaces, and then rejected if:
a) the first character is a '/' or a '.' OR
b) the path includes the substring '/.'.
1) List of primitives provided:
Modify files: filewrite, fileappend, filedelete, filerename,
filechmod, filemkdir, filermdir
Gather information: fileversion, fileread, fileexists, filelength,
filesize, filelist, filegrep, fileextract, fileinfo,
Execute commands: filerun
2) Standard return errors:
a) Any primitive called with incorrect number of arguments returns E_ARGS.
b) Any primitive called with arguments of the wrong type returns E_INVARG.
c) Any primitive called by a programmer that isn't a wizard returns E_PERM.
d) Any attempt to access a file outside the hierarchy returns E_PERM.
e) Any attempt to access a file that doesn't exist returns E_INVARG.
(Except for fileexists, see below.)
f) Any attempt to remove a directory that doesn't exist returns E_INVIND.
3) Description of the primitives:
To make the description easier, we'll assume we have the following files:
/foo.text <- this is a text file
/foox.test <- this is a text file
/bar <- this is an empty subdirectory
We'll also assume that foo.text reads:
| Copyright (c) 1994 Weizmann Institute. All rights reserved.
| This file documents the File Utilities Package developed and written by
| Jaime Prilusky and Gustavo Glusman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
| For questions, suggestions and comments, please send email to
| (Jaime Prilusky)
| (Gustavo Glusman)
and foox.test reads:
| line 1
| line 2
| end