Wizard Help


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Wizards PLEASE NOTE: Due to security considerations, additional-owners for wizard-owned objects have additional restrictions. Specifically, reading and setting individual properties as though one was the owner on wiz-owned objects is not allowed. If you need to have others able to access properties in this way, you must make your object owned by a non-wizard.

Also see: @add-owner in Manager Help


Checks a core object for possible problems in its property initialization or verb references which may exist if it is transferred to a new core DB. The initcore_data property should initialize all properties to the form they should be in a new core DB, and in particular remove any references to non-core object numbers. (see 'help #1:initcore_data for details.) This command checks to see if there are any syntax errors in the object's initcore_data, and if the properties still have object numbers which are not on the core. It also scans the verbs in the object for absolute object numbers and for $names which may not be on a new core DB.

Use: @check-for-core <name>
or: @check-for-core <core id>

where <core id> is the object's unique name in its unique_id[1] (see 'help unique-id').

Additional comands for core object testing are available as feature verbs on $core_utils. See 'help $core_utils' and '@about $core_utils' or '@mailme $core_utils' for details.


Wizard Notes
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The "@add-class" and "@add-class-object" commands are available for adding a new class (catagory) or object to a class, to be displayed by @classes.

The @classes command uses the values in #0.class_registry ($class_registry). $class_registry is in the following format:
    { {name, description, members}, ... }
where `name' is the name of a particular class of objects, `description' is a one-sentence description of the membership of the class, and `members' is a list of object numbers, the members of the class.

Related Topics:
@add-class -- add a new class of objects
@rm-class -- remove one
@add-class-object -- add an object to a class
@rm-class-object -- remove one

Also see: @classes in Builder Help


@core-id <object>

Gives information identifying a core object. This can be used either to check if a given object is part of the base core or a core option, or to get the object number for a given core id name. If given the object name, outputs the object's unique ID. If given a core id name, the object number and name is displayed. Also indicates whether this object can be referenced by $<name>.


See: core-options in Core Utility Help


@corify makes an object part of the base core database or a selected core option. Updates all databases which keep track of core objects or core option sets. Optionally adds it as a property of #0 so it can be referenced by $(name).

Use: @corify <object> as [$]<name> [<core-option>]

where <object> is the object number of a name found by my_match_object, <name> is the unique ID of the object which must be different from any other core or core option object, the $ prefix is used if the object ID is also to be a property on #0, and <core-option> is the core options set if this object is to be a part of an option rather than the base core. See also 'help unique-id'.

Note that once corified, the object can be referenced by &<name>. This is useful for referencing objects on linked sites using the DUcore because it is independent of the object number.

The @uncorify command is used to remove an object from the base core database or a core option, to remove it's unique ID, and remove all references to its name to the registered name data base. This should be done before any such object is recycled or replaced by another object which is to replace it in the core db.

Use: @uncorify <object>

NOTE that the core extraction system at this MOO differs from that on the standard LambdaCore. In particular, an object number reference on #0 is no longer sufficient for it to be part of the core. Also, if you omit the "$" ahead of the <name> when using @corify, then the object will NOT be added as an object number reference on #0. See '@about $core_utils' or '@mailme $core_utils' for details.


See: core-options in Core Utility Help


See: @add-owner


See: core-options in Core Utility Help


Syntax: @email-access <who> is <access>
This verb allows MOO administrators to set whether a MOO character or mail folder is allowed to send or receive email directly from the Internet, through the Internet Email Permeability System.
The two allowable values for <access> are: send, recieve
This value can be prefixed with `!' to indicate access is restricted.
To allow the MOO user "Jane" to receive direct Internet email, you would use:
  @email-access Jane is receive
To restrict John from sending direct Internet email, use:
  @email-access John is !send
Omitting the <access> reports the current email permeability access for <who>.

Related Topics:
email-permeability - overview of the system


Syntax: @manager <person> for <responsibility>
This command makes someone's character a child of the $manager class (or removes them from it), and also assigns and removes specific responsibiltiies from the set of those available for Managers. The responsibility can be specified just with enough of a prefix to be unambiguous.

If you don't specify a responsibility, you'll be told which responsibilities the person already has and which are available. Specifying "nothing" as the responsibility will remove the person from the Manager class entirely. Specifying a responsibility with "!" prefixed means to remove that responsibility from the person.

Note that some abilities apply to all Managers, and there is no setting for them. These include: @shout.

Assignable responsibilities are:

nothing - if the person isn't already a Manager, this makes them a Manager but with no areas of responsibility assigned. If the person is a Manager, then all areas of responsibility are removed. Note that the @unmanager command is used to remove someone's Manager status completely.

character applications - the Manager can access the *character-request-pool. *created, *reject, and *undecided mail folders and use @created and other commands to process character applications.

VSPO management - the Manager can create and destroy VSPO groups, as well as perform VSPO group management functions on any group.

builder management - the Manager can confer or remove builder permissions, and also can set people's building quota.

programmer management - the Manager can confer and remove programmer permissions (progbits).

rooms and exits - the Manager can add and remove exits from any MOO room, allowing them to manage MOO building activities.

ownership transfers - the Manager can transfer objects from one person's ownership to another. Note this gives @recycle ability indirectly.

access restrictions - the Manager can control user access functions including @unlock-account, @boot, and @newt.

server management - the Manager has permission to shutdown and force checkpoint backups of the MOO.

Administration and policy - the Manager has responsibility for DU MOO administration and policy development. Note this doesn't provide access to any new commands, and is strictly for informational purposes.

Syntax: @unmanager <person>
The @unmanager command removes the person's manager status, and changes their parent to the parent of $manager. All areas of responsibility are automatically revoked.

Related Topics:
@managers -- which Managers are connected (or list all)
manager-summary -- list of commands available to Managers in each
                   area of responsibility


Note to Wizards:
Wizards are exempted from quota restrictions under byte-based quota.

Related Topics:
$object_quota_utils -- the utility controlling quota under object-based quota
$byte_quota_utils -- the utility controlling quota under byte-based quota

Also see: @quota in Manager Help


@register-name is used to assign a unique_id name to a non-core object. The name reference then goes on $id. (Using "ID" as the core-option in @corify has the same effect.) The object can then be referenced by '&<name>', and it can also be referenced on a linked site using the DUcore, provided that the @register-name command was also executed at that site. If the object was previously @corified, it is removed from the core or core option it was part of previously, if applicable.

Use: @register-name <object> as [$]<name>

where <object> is the name or object number of an object, <name> is the unique ID of the object which must be different from any other core or core option object, the $ prefix is used if the object ID is also to be a property on #0.


See: @corify


See: @manager


Notes for Wizards:

  Wizards have the additional requirement of adding a help text to the appropriate database for all command line verbs on generic user characters. See "@kids $generic_help" for the list of databases.

  Such verbs should NOT have any header lines, but instead be solely documented through the help database system. This is because the Undocumented Help System ($undoc_help) will find help in both places and ask the user which they wish to see. Just put all the documentation (except internal verb comments) in a help database text.

  It is VITAL that help texts have a format that allows them to be properly extracted for HTML format, which means that they should follow the format given below. Note that help texts for other than commands don't need to fit the format given, but *do* need to follow the rule that a double-hyphen may only be used to demarcate a reference to another help topic. The format for help database entries is as follows:
Syntax: <command> <arguments....> 
<command variation> <arguments....>
Synonyms: <alt. command name1> [, <alt. command name2>]

Explanation of what command is for, including its variations.

[Examples: <example or examples here>]

Related Topics:
<help topic> -- short description of topic or command
Syntax: The titles given (e.g. "" or "Related Topics") are not suggestions! These are keys scanned for by the system that extracts the eDUcore manual (all the help texts) and if you don't use them exactly, it creates errors in the extracted manual. An example of two types of Usage is "@eject" and "@eject!" where the varients have slightly different effects. The "Example" line is optional, and only needed when the "Usage" line is complex. Multiple "Usage" and "Example" lines may be used when appropriate.
The blank lines after "Syntax" and "Synonyms" (and any other section) are significant to the HTML extraction system that prepares the eDUcore manual, so be sure to include those. In general, you should not `fill' the text to divide it into lines broken by return characters. Instead, make each paragraph a single long line, and separate them with an blank line. This leads to far better HTML versions of the help texts. If MOO users need line wrapping, they have other mechanisms to do that.

When creating a multi-part help text across several help databases, add a "Notes for <class>" line followed by a blank line (see this text as an example). This indicates to the user that the following text applies specifically to a certain <class> of character (e.g. Wizards, Managers, etc.). The <class> should be derived from the class that the particular help text database is for.

  IMPORTANT: Note the two hyphens after the <help topic> in the "Related Topics" section. The automatic hypertext help system uses these to identify command names that can be used to point to addition help texts, and assumes that left of the double hyphen is a single word that is itself a valid help topic. Use a single <help topic> per line. Never use a double hyphen in a help text *except* to demarcate a related help topic!!

Also see: documentation in Programmer Help


Manager access:
You can give all Managers for a particular area of responsibility
readers, writers, or moderators access to a mail folder, or the
ability to read sealed messages.
The command is:

 @manager-access *<mail-folder> to <access>:<manager_area>

where <access> is one of readers, writers, moderators, or
unsealed_for, and <manager_area> is one of the Manager areas of
responsibility (property names on $manager ending in "_ok"). If you
feed the command junk, it will tell you allowable settings.

Also see: mail-recipients in Builder Help


Syntax: make-core-database
...makes a core database (surprise). Film at 11...


The "wiz-channel" is a special channel that only wizards have access to.

wiz-tuned - shows who's currently listening on the [wiz] channel
wiz-tune - used with "in" or "out" to tune in or out of the wiz-channel
wiz - speak using the [wiz] channel
wiz: - emote using the [wiz] channel
wiz! - speak with emphasis on [wiz} channel


@add-owner @corify @manager documentation
@check-for-core @create-core-option @quota mail-recipients
@classes @del-owner @register-name make-core-database
@core-id @delete-core-option @uncorify wiz-channel
@core-options @email-access @unmanager wiz-index