MOO Technical Support Scripts

Here you'll find various UNIX scripts, DOS batch files, and other tools useful for maintaining a MOO. The UNIX material is derived from those that Diversity University uses in its own operations.

The complete set of UNIX support scripts is available as a compressed archive. A set of batch files is available for those running a MOO on a Win95 or WinNT system.

UNIX Scripts

Certain sub-directory structures are assumed, and if yours are different you may have to perform some customization of the scripts. We find our arrangement very convenient though, so you might want to emulate it. The basic structure is:
/usr/du/bin/ binary files and MOO maintenance scripts
/usr/du/home/ home directories for MOO support personnel
/usr/du/moo/ the place where the MOO database file is
/usr/du/moo/moo a soft link to server-source/MOO-1.8.0p6/moo
/usr/du/moo/du.db our MOO database file
/usr/du/moo/files/ where the FUP-accessible files are
/usr/du/moo/backup.dbs/ where backup MOO databases are
/usr/du/moo/backup.logs/ where backup server logs are
/usr/du/moo/server-source/ where the server source directories are
/usr/du/moo/server-source/MOO-1.8.0p6/ the unpacked server source
/usr/du/moo/server-source/patches/ server patches
Subdirectories in the above listing are indicated by a "/" at the end.

Scripts and other files are kept in the following places:
chown in /usr/du/bin
dobackup in /usr/du/bin (a version that uses compress instead of gzip is available)
runmoo in /usr/du/bin
statmoo in /usr/du/bin
watchmoo in /usr/du/bin
crontab.moo in /usr/du/moo
statmoo.cgi in our httpd cgi-directory (set by httpd srm.conf)

All DU server maintenance personnel have the du/bin directory added to their PATH list. They can issue "runmoo" to start the MOO. The MOO is halted from inside the MOO itself, using the @shutdown command. Our runmoo command is the equivalent to the "restart" script distributed with the LambdaMOO server.

The watchmoo script is a simple method of watching the MOO's log continuously, which is especially useful when starting or stopping the server.

The nightly archiving system, which stores a copy of the MOO database as well as a copy of all FUP-based external files, must be started separately. The backup process stores all these as a single tar.gz file. See the crontab.moo file, and change the values to point to your MOO database. Note that this is also where to set how many days of backups you want. For instance, you might want a running 7 day backup set, and once a week set aside (by hand) a copy for long-term storage. Once you've customized the dobackup and crontab.moo files appropriately, use "crontab crontab.moo" to schedule the backup process.

Note that you must have access to gzip and tar on your system for the nightly archiving to function.

Although one person can generally maintain the UNIX side of the MOO operation, it is common to have a group of people who do so. To allow a group to all have access to the required files, we suggest the following:

  1.  Establish a UNIX group to own all MOO-related materials (add a line to the /etc/group file). It might be called "mookeepers" for example. Make sure all maintenance personnel are in the group, either by having their name in the /etc/group file entry, or through their /etc/passwd file entry.
  2.  When you create the /usr/moo directory that will hold all MOO-related files, make sure it is, a) owned by the mookeepers group, b) the sticky-bit for the directory is set. This will insure that all files and sub-directories created under this directory are owned by the mookeepers group. If you already created /usr/moo directory (or whatever you called it), change the group ownership of that directory and all its contents (you may need your sysop to do this for you)
  3.  If the UNIX accounts for your MOO maintenance staff are ONLY used for MOO maintenance, it is convenient to change their default "umask" setting such that all files they create will be writable by the other maintainers. To do this, add the line "umask 007" to the ".login" script in the home directories of your MOO maintenance staff. This will insure all the files they create are group-writable, and therefore can be edited by other MOO maintenance staff.
Note that if they do other work using their account, those files will also be group-writable unless specifically altered. If your staff routinely do both MOO maintenance and personal work on the UNIX system, you might consider making special MOO maintenance accounts for them, which will be in the mookeepers group and have a default umask value making files created with that account group-writable. Their personal account would neither be in the mookeepers group, nor use the group-writable umask value.

The chown script is a convenient tool for allowing a group of maintainers to share files at a site where none of them has root access. When setuid root, it allows them to chown files back and forth, even if the server generally restricts such chown'ing, by limiting such actions to only people within the same group. For instance, all DU maintenance personnel for the DU Main Campus are in the "du" UNIX system group.

The statmoo and statmoo.cgi scripts give a snapshot summary of the MOO server operations. The statmoo.cgi is especially useful for determining if your MOO is using appropriate amounts of server resources. You can see the DU Main Campus MOO's summary generated by statmoo.cgi at:

The statmoo script just provides a quick summary without analysis. At DU's site, the statmoo.cgi file is the one accessed, and has been renamed "statmoo" for convenience. Note that these scripts may not function correctly with operating systems other than Solaris, unless suitably modified.

Win95/NT Batch Files

dobackup.bat This batch file will create a compressed archive of the MOO database.  This is run in conjunction with a scheduling program. Please see the documentation within the batch file for more details.
runmoo.bat This batch file will start the MOO, moving logs and performing other useful housekeeping tasks in the process.
Diversity University eDUcore

Last modified 09Dec97
Copyright © 1997 Diversity University. All rights reserved.